By: John Cargill MA, MBA, MS and Susan
Thorpe-Vargas MS, Ph.D.
Hypothyroidism is a common and serious genetic problem in
purebred dogs. There is virtually no breed of dog unaffected. The scope of
the problem cannot be accurately defined because of a lack of complete
statistical information; however, it is certain that veterinarians are seeing
and treating a lot of thyroid cases. Because of a degree of inheritance
associated with
hypothyroidism (too little) genetic screening has become a necessity for the
conscientious breeder, rather than an option. First, let’s get a handle
on the thyroid gland; what it is and what it does.
Systems Concept
Think of the thyroid gland as the crystal that sets the clock speed on your
computer. If it produces too much or too little, the body system may
malfunction because the various interconnecting subsystems can’t interface
properly. Together with the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland “calls
cadence” for the many interconnected systems of the body, serving much like a
combination thermostat, rpm governor, pressure regulator in mechanical systems.
Because the thyroid gland plays such a large role in regulation of the body, any
disturbances in the thyroid system can cause serious problems in many of the
body’s other subsystems. The telephone company analogy of thyroid
functions is a good one: while the telephone switching central neither
originates calls or receives calls, it schedules and directs traffic flow
interfacing cable, microwave and satellite transmissions. It matters not
how well your individual telephone and telephone lines are working, or how well
those of the person to whom you would speak are working, if there is a problem
with the telephone central.
Built into the body are many self-compensating properties or control mechanisms.
Using the telephone company analogy, if a satellite fails, message
traffic may be routed through other systems such as land lines and microwave
radio or through other satellites. Each of these systems has a capacity
and a rate of throughput, and variable degrees of interface with
other systems. Even when the telephone central looses some of its capacity
to function, message traffic can be rescheduled to off-peak hours.
Similarly, when the thyroid system looses some of its function, other systems
subsystems may function, but at reduced levels of efficiency and operating
tempo. In the case of a reduced capacity telephone central operating off
of stand-by generator power, the whole system becomes vulnerable to other
insults such as terrorism, floods, electrical storms and computer malfunction.
The telephone switching central then has less ability to compensate for these
problems and to self-repair or direct repairs in subsystems in a timely manner.
And so it is also with the thyroid system, because, in great part, it influences
the immune system of the body.
As the immune system becomes depressed or compromised, the whole body system
becomes more and more vulnerable to the insults characteristic of every day
living, and the body system as a whole becomes less competent to respond to
those insults. In fact, if the malfunctions are of a particular type,
various subsystems of the body may refuse to recognize other subsystems as
“self” and will even attack those other subsystems, much as the security
force of a telephone switching central may refuse to allow repairmen in to fix
the telephone switching central computers because the computer that contained
the approved repair personnel access list had its hard drive crash.
Thyroid Gland
Now let’s get directly to the thyroid gland and examine its properties and
functions keeping in mind the above analogies as a framework for understanding.
In the dog, the thyroid gland consists of two lobes flanking the trachea
(windpipe). It has been established that it secretes at least two related
hormones thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The only difference
between the two is that T4 has four iodine atoms attached to it and T3
only has three. Even though the thyroid gland secretes mostly T4 (about 90%),
it is T3 that is considered the active form of the hormone.
Conversion of T4 to T3
In a series of complex steps that involve mainly the liver and kidneys, T4 is
stripped of an iodine atom and is converted to T3 when needed. Initially,
the two forms are released into the blood and are bound to proteins in the
plasma (the clear fluid of the blood) . Less than 1% of the T3 and less than
0.1% of T4 remain in the unbound state in the blood. One of the thyroid tests
commonly ordered checks for the amount of circulating or ‘free’ T4
and ‘free’ T3. The bound thyroid hormone is transported by the blood to
their target cells. Only unbound or ‘free’ hormone is able to enter cells.
Once they pass through the cell membrane they bind again to another protein.
This attachment process signals a receptor within the cell nucleus and
activates the synthesis of various metabolic enzymes. These enzymes are what
regulate the body’s ‘set
point’ or ‘idling speed’. This basal metabolic rate governs the body’s
rate of oxygen consumption and energy expenditure, which in turn effects heat
production. This is why we use up energy keeping warm and why hypothyroid
individuals are cold intolerant.
Control Mechanism
Internal modulation of hormone levels is a complex process in that thyroid
hormones are not secreted at a continuous rate, but rather demonstrates the
classical physiological example of negative feedback. One can liken
negative feedback to a heating thermostat. Once levels of free circulating
thyroid hormone have fallen to a certain plasma concentration, thyroid releasing
hormone (TRH) is secreted by the hypothalamus. TRH in turn stimulates the
release of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) from the anterior pituitary which
‘turns on’ the synthesis of thyroid hormone. (See Figure 1.) Another
function of TSH is to maintain the structural integrity of the thyroid gland.
Inadequate levels of TSH cause the thyroid gland to atrophy. This is one reason
why early diagnosis and intervention of thyroid disorders is so necessary. Once
the thyroid gland has atrophied, it cannot recover. Secretion of TSH is
‘turned off’ when plasma concentrations of thyroid hormone are sufficient
and is turned back on again when levels fall once more.
Clinical Signs
Clinical signs of the disease vary greatly because of the myriad of systems the
thyroid hormone impacts. Most owners are alerted to a problem when changes in
the dog’s coat occur. This is frequently the first symptom of which they
become aware. The classical signs include alopecia or hair loss on both sides of
the trunk or specifically on the tail, i.e., the ‘rat’ tail. Hair re-growth
is usually slow and may come in dry, dull or differently colored. The skin may
also change color and become greasy, strong smelling and thickened. The dog may
gain weight easily, becoming lethargic, mentally dull and exercise intolerant.
Chronic ear infections have also been noted. Observed also are severe behavior
changes and neurological symptoms including unprovoked aggression, head tilt,
seizures, ataxia, circling and facial nerve paralysis.
Additionally, reproductive functions such as prolonged anestrus and fertility
rates may be affected. It is obvious from this list (see Figure 2.) that
this is a serious disease and one that needs to be caught early.
Causes of Hypothyroidism
Two questions are particularly relevant to breeders: What causes canine
thyroid disease? Is the incidence of hypothyroidism increasing? Most
cases of hypothyroidism are the end-stage result of autoimmune thyroiditis. This
a condition where the immune system attacks the tissues of the thyroid gland.
The body is able to compensate for this by stimulating the thyroid to secrete
greater levels of hormone, but eventually glandular reserves are depleted and
the individual is unable to produce enough hormone to sustain clinical health.
One of the ways to assess this condition is to look for the presence of
antithyroid antibodies, specifically, thyroglobulin autoantibody (TgAA).
An improved test for TgAA, made by Oxford Bio-Medical is now commercially
available, and although not as yet a definitive diagnostic test, it is the best
available marker for autoimmune thyroiditis at this time.
Although it is clear that there is a genetic predisposition for thyroid
disorders we would also suggest that there are environmental factors like diet,
nutrition, and exposure to chemical toxins, that at the very least will trigger
the onset of disease in the genetically susceptible individual. We know
that the body’s capacity to maintain homeostasis when exposed to changes in
it’s environment depends in the way it able to detoxify itself. This ability
responds in many complex ways to changes in the levels of thyroid hormone.
Environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies and allergies are external
factors that can effect our perception of the prevalence of thyroid disease.
See Figure 3.
Breed Specificity
While there may be differences in what should be considered normal thyroid
levels by breed of dog, it is all too apparent that there are currently many
breeds which are more likely to have low thyroid function. Unfortunately,
the list of affected breeds is quite a long list so long that we decided to show
it in tabular form in Figure 4. More than 70% of the 140 breeds
recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) are genetically predisposed to
hypothyroidism. This statistic alone is alarming, but to put it into proper
context, one has to consider that the most popular breeds are represented, and
thus the percentage of individual animals in the AKC registry is very high
Pets Vs Breeding Stock
One of the selection criteria for breeding stock is that they should be the
animals best suited for perpetuating their breed. Herein lies the rub:
what one fancier considers desirable in a given breed, another may consider a
fault. What one fancier considers important, another may consider
insignificant. But we can all agree that healthy thyroid function deserves
serious consideration when it comes to selecting breeding stock. Because
of the perception that there is a widespread penetration of hypothyroidism into
the overall gene pool of the dog fancy, we can probably all agree that normal
thyroid function should be one of the breeding criteria. At a recent
symposium held at the University of California Davis , it was
decided that there should be two different testing protocols: One protocol for
breeding stock and another, much less stringent and less expensive protocol, for
the pet population. See Figure 5. Here comes another rub: What
constitutes this
normal thyroid function? This question may be further refined by:
What constitutes normal thyroid function in my breed? Unfortunately, breed
specific norms of healthy thyroid function are not well documented; however,
normal ranges for dogs in general are known. With the exception of the
documented low thyroid levels in Greyhounds, the variances between breeds is not
considered to be large; however, we cannot dismiss such variances out of hand.
With that said, Figure 6. shows the normal ranges for dogs in general.
Testing and Diagnosis
Testing for hypothyroidism is an area of much confusion and controversy among
clinicians and researchers alike, in that affected dogs do not necessarily
exhibit clinical signs of the disease. Concurrent non-thyroidal disease can
cause lab results to be misleading. The age of the dog needs to be considered
too. Concentrations are expected to decrease with age and may actually be above
adult ‘normal’ levels in puppies. Moreover, steroidal drug therapy or
the use of sulfa drugs can likewise influence thyroid panel results. Because so
many factors can effect thyroid hormone levels, a meaningful diagnosis of
thyroid disease must first begin with a thorough initial exam. This would
include a history, a physical examination, and routine bloodwork.( Complete
blood count, serum biochemistry panel, and urinalysis). If the dog shows
clinical signs of the disease, a lab test that shows lower then normal values of
T4 combined with elevated levels of TSH is pretty diagnostic for primary
hypothyroidism ( previously mentioned factors having been ruled out). (See
Figure 7.) IDEXX Laboratories , Diagnostic Products Corporation ,
Chiron and Nichols Institute Diagnostics manufacture some of the commonly used
T3, T4 and TSH tests. It should be noted that while many other
manufacturers make such kits, most are not “referenced” or “convertible”
for canines. Example: Diagnostic Products Corporation Coat-A-Count Canine
T3 and Coat-A-Count Canine T4 are specifically referenced tests for canines.
It is most likely that you would be testing an asymptomatic animal if you were
considering the dog for your breeding program. Begin testing after the animal
has reached sexual maturity and be sure your female is between heats. One year
of age is a good place to start. The baseline panel for potential breeding stock
would include serum ‘free’ T4 measured by equilibrium dialysis, existing TSH
levels and a test for thyroglobulin autoantibodies. The “cutting edge” test
for FT4 is manufactured by Nichols Institute Diagnostics. Do not
assume that if these values are normal that you are ‘home free’ because
possible development of thyroid disease has not been precluded. An annual exam
and retesting is suggested for all possible breeding animals.
Treatment & Dosage
Once a diagnosis of hypothyroidism has been made, the normal treatment protocol
is the use of a T4 (L-thyroxine) hormone supplement given twice a day. SoloxineÒ
and SynthroidÔ manufacture some of the more commonly
prescribed T4 supplements. Sometimes (very rarely) a dog may have a
metabolic disorder that effects the biochemical pathway necessary to convert T4
to T3. In this case a small amount to T3 is also included, but only when used
proper veterinary supervision because T3 can be acutely toxic at the wrong
dosage level. In fact, the veterinary T3 supplement is no longer available.
What response can you expect from treatment? You should see an increase in
activity levels and mental acuity within the first week and some weight loss
should be apparent by the end of the fourth week. Skin problems will start to
clear up by the end of the sixth week, although shedding will increase
sometimes, depending on the stage the dog is in, in its hair growth cycle.
Concurrent non-thyroid illness will make modifications of normal treatment
conventions necessary. For example, aged dogs or those with diabetes, heart
problems or liver or kidney problems would be placed on a lower initial dose
which would then be gradually increased. Dogs already on medications and those
that have absorption problems effecting the uptake of the drug or how it is
metabolized, would have to be very carefully monitored also. Every case must
be handled on an individual basis. Response to thyroid therapy varies
considerably between animals, and fixing a proper dosage level is more of an art
than a science. If your dog is on thyroid replacement therapy, keep careful
records and keep your veterinarian informed of changes in attitude, activity
levels, appetite, and skin and coat condition. Once in the “ball
park”, dosage levels are refined through observing the animals responses
to treatment.
Genetic Screening Required
By now, it should be obvious just how serious, deleterious and undesirable
thyroid problems can be. Both authors take a hard line approach at this
point: If you have not tested your dogs for proper thyroid function, you
have no business breeding them. Taking the hard line one step further, to
breed hypothyroid or untested dogs is unconscionable, unethical and just plain
wrong-doing. Without evil intent to mess up the gene pool of your breed,
to conduct such breeding is ignorant, or worse yet, stupid if you have already
been informed. Yet, we venture to guess that most breedings are without
benefit of screening for thyroid function or other genetically transmittable
disease. Please read this paragraph again. There are two camps in
the dog fancy: the ‘screeners’; and the ‘non-screeners’. After
reading about the
thyroid system, we hope to have convinced you that it not only makes medical
sense to screen for proper thyroid function, but that it also makes economic
sense when you attempt to place puppies you have bred. More and more
are becoming aware of hypothyroidism and the problems associated with it, and
are starting to advertise not only that they have screened their animals, but
also the actual thyroid levels measured. We anticipate this trend will
continue to the betterment of the fancy. The authors wish to thank Dr. Ray
Nachreiner of the Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory of Michigan State
University for his help in reviewing this article and the valuable discussions
of Drs. R. Nachreiner, W.J. Dodds, D.L. Panciera and N.H. Dodman.
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